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What Are Data Types In Python? Your Complete Guide

25 Jul 2023

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Data types in Python are a mechanism to classify and specify the types of data that a given variable can hold. They choose the operations that can be carried out on the data and how it will be kept in memory. Numerous built-in data types are available in Python, each with unique properties and applications.

In Python, various procedures and techniques enable the modification and interaction with different forms of data. A comprehensive comprehension of data types and their appropriate utilization is essential in Python programming to ensure precise handling and manipulation throughout the code. This blog will explore what data types are in Python and demonstrate how to check data types effectively. Let's embark on this journey through the blog.

Overview Of Python Data Types 

Variable types are specified using Python Data Types. It determines the kind of information that will be kept in a variable. Numerous different sorts of data can be kept in memory. For instance, a person's address is kept as a string of alphanumeric letters, and their phone number is stored as a numeric value.

Python data types are essential and play a large part in programming. Here are some significant justifications for why Python data types are necessary, especially if you want to master Python for data science:

  • Data Clarity and Organization: Data types offer a mechanism to classify and arrange various kinds of information. You can ensure that data is saved and accessible in a structured manner by explicitly defining the data type. This enhances the readability of the code and makes it simpler for other developers to comprehend the function and data format.

  • Memory Efficiency: By allotting the proper space based on the type of data being stored, data types help optimize memory utilization. Because each data type has a predetermined size, memory can be managed effectively. This is crucial when working with enormous datasets or environments with limited resources.

  • Effective Operations and Functions: Each data type is associated with specific operations and functions. Numeric data types support mathematical operations, strings, support text manipulation, and manipulation and iteration are supported by collections. The requirement for the manual implementation of common functionality is diminished by using these built-in operations and functions, which results in code that is more effective and concise.

  • Python's Flexibility and Extensibility: Python's ability to be flexible and extensible enables the construction of unique data types using classes and objects. Due to this flexibility, developers can create data structures that are suited to particular requirements, improving the organization and modularity of the code.

Developers can write more clear, dependable, and efficient code and eventually increase the overall quality and maintainability of their programs by making use of the built-in data types and the accompanying functions. With this, we'll proceed to see the built-in data types in Python which will also help you to prepare for a Python interview in case you're an aspirant.

Built-In Data Types In Python 

One of the greatest reasons for learning Python programming language is its multiple-build in data types that are readily available to be used without any additional charges. Let's see some of these built-in data types in Python. 

Numeric Data Type 

Python's numerical data types are flexible and can be used for a variety of tasks, including storing measurements, representing numbers, and performing calculations. They include a variety of operations and functions that let you effectively perform mathematical operations and work with numerical data. The three main numeric data types are:

  • int(integer): which is used to represent whole numbers
  • float: which is used to represent decimal numbers
  • complex: to represent real and imaginary numbers.

For Python to conduct arithmetic operations, work with numerical data, and solve mathematical issues, it is crucial to comprehend and use numeric data types.

Text Data Type 

The string (str) data type in Python corresponds to the text data type. Character sequences are stored and manipulated using strings. In Python, the text data type (string) is frequently used to manage textual data, handle input/output, manipulate strings, and perform file operations. Python supports both single and double quotes in pairs. The slice operator ([] and [:]) can be used to extract subsets of strings, with indexes beginning at 0 at the beginning of the string and increasing to -1 at the conclusion.

Powerful text processing and manipulation capabilities in Python are made possible by an understanding of string manipulation strategies and an appropriate application of string methods.

Lists & Tuples 

In Python, collections of elements are stored in both lists and tuples. While there are some parallels between the two, there are also significant variances. An overview of Python's lists and tuples is provided below:


An ordered group of objects wrapped in square brackets ([]) is referred to as a list. Lists are changeable, which means that after they are created, their elements can be changed, added, or taken away.


An ordered group of objects surrounded in brackets is referred to as a tuple (()). Tuples are immutable, which means that once they are created, their elements can not be changed. Both lists and tuples can nest inside of one another and contain components of various data kinds. They also enable iteration and routine tasks like determining the minimum and maximum value, checking for membership, and more. Whether mutability is needed will determine whether a list or tuple should be used. Tuples are appropriate in cases when immutability along with information integrity are desired, whereas lists are often employed when you need to modify the members.

Boolean Data Type 

The truth values True and False are represented by the boolean data type in Python. It is a fundamental data type that is utilized in conditional statements and logical operations. Programming decisions and condition evaluation benefit from the use of booleans. In Python, logical states are represented by the keywords True and False. False denotes a condition that is thought to be false, while True denotes a condition that is thought to be true.
Comparison operators like equal to (==), not equal to (!=), greater than (>), less than (), greater than or equal to (>=), and less than or equal to (=) are frequently used to produce boolean values. These operators compare values and, depending on the outcome of the comparison, return a boolean value.


The dictionary (dict) data type in Python serves as a representation for the mapping built-in data type. Dictionaries are collections of keys and values that are not ordered, and each key has a specific value assigned to it. Dictionaries are frequently used to organize and store data that has to be quickly looked up using distinct keys. When working with structured information or building data structures such as hash tables, they are particularly helpful because they are efficient at mapping values to their associated keys.
Many Python programs depend on the mapping data type (dictionary), which offers a strong tool for handling key-value connections.

How To Check Data Types In Python 

The type() function in Python can be used to determine the data type of a variable or value. The actual data type for the variable or value supplied as an argument is returned by the type() function. The result will be a type object that you may use for statements with conditions or to compare with other types.
It's crucial to remember that the type() function returns an object's precise type. For instance, it will distinguish between an integer (int) and a floating-point number (float). Additionally, type() will return an object's class name or type if it is a custom class or object.

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In summary, data types are essential to Python programming. They enable effective representation and manipulation of various kinds of data. This blog post looked at Python's different built-in data types.Python programmers are better equipped to handle various sorts of data and address a variety of programming issues when they are aware of the features and applications of these data types. Developers may build clear, organized, and efficient code that successfully manipulates data and yields desired results by utilizing the proper data types and their associated operations.

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